Sažetak (hrvatski) | Uvod: Početkom 2020. godine Hrvatskom se počeo širiti novi virus nazvan SARS-CoV-2 - uzročnik bolesti COVID–19. Cilj:
Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri je pandemija bolesti COVID–19 utjecala na porast smrtnosti u populaciji Hrvatske
tijekom 2020. godine, te ima li utjecaj na gubitak u godinama očekivanog života i koliki je taj gubitak. Metode: U radu
su korišteni službeni podatci državnih tijela, Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i EUROSTAT-a. Uz morbiditet i letalitet
izračunat je višak smrtnosti u 2020. godini koji se povezuje s pandemijom te gubitak u godinama očekivanog života (YLL).
Rezultati: Tijekom 2020. na COVID–19 testirano je ukupno 1,078.240 osoba (26,6 % populacije), a pozitivno ih je bilo 19,7 %. Zaraženo je ukupno 212.084 osoba, dok je registrirano 3.919 umrlih. Od početka pandemije do kraja godine umrlo je 4.550 više osoba nego je prosjek u prethodnom petogodišnjem razdoblju, što je 26,7 % više u odnosu na broj registriranih smrti. Letalitet je 2,15 %, a mortalitet 11/10.000 stanovnika. Bolnički letalitet je čak 19 %. COVID–19 skratio je očekivani životni vijek u prosjeku za šest godina, te je ukupno izgubljeno 27.300 godina života. Zaključak: U 2020. umrlo je 4.550 više osoba od ranijeg prosjeka što je 26,7 % više od smrtnih ishoda povezanih s pandemijom. Letalitet među zaraženima je 1,85–2,15 %, a bolnički letalitet među liječenima 19 %. Stopa mortaliteta je oko 10/10.000 stanovnika. Izgubljeno je ukupno 27.300
godina života. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: At the beginning of 2020, a new virus called SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, began to spread
in Croatia. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic affected the
increase in mortality in the Croatian population during 2020, and whether it had an impact on life expectancy and how much.
Methods: In the study, offi cial data from state bodies, World Health Organization and EUROSTAT were used. In addition to
morbidity and lethality, the excess mortality in 2020 associated with the pandemic and the loss in years of life expectancy
were calculated. Results: During 2020, a total of 1,078,240 people (26.6% of the population) were tested, and 19.7% were
positive. A total of 212,084 people were infected, while 3,919 deaths were registered. From the beginning of the pandemic
until the end of the year, 4,550 more people died compared with the average fi gure recorded in the previous fi ve-year period,
yielding a 26.7% increase in the number of registered deaths. The lethality was 2.15% and mortality 11/10,000 inhabitants.
Hospital lethality was as high as 19%. COVID-19 reduced life expectancy by six years on average, and a total of 27,300 years
of life were lost. Conclusion: In 2020, 4,550 more people died compared with the previous average fi gure, yielding a 26.7%
increase due to the pandemic-related deaths. Lethality among the infected was 1.85%-2.15%, but among those treated at
hospital it was 19%. The mortality rate was about 10-11/10,000 inhabitants. A total of 27,300 years of life were lost. |