Abstract (croatian) | Studentsko poštenje ključan je element akademske čestitosti, s obzirom na to da udio visokoobrazovanih osoba stalno raste. Studenti su buduća pokretačka snaga društva, dio su populacije koja će bitno utjecati na cjelokupno društvo i njegov socioekonomski razvoj, uključujući i mlađe generacije. U radu je analizirano osam skupova podataka o konstantnom porastu studentskog nepoštenja u SAD-u, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, Švedskoj i svijetu kao cjelini, s tendencijom naglog skoka u posljednja dva desetljeća. Situacija u Hrvatskoj uspoređena je s tim trendovima, iz podataka koji su dobiveni intenzivnim pretraživanjem raznih literaturnih i internetskih izvora te nekih procjena. Dobiveni su indeksi studentskog nepoštenja: prosječno (IC0) i maksimalno (IC1) prepisivanje na ispitima te prosječan (IP0) i maksimalan (IP1) plagijarizam. Indeksi uglavnom prate svjetske trendove, a u zadnja dva desetljeća imaju alarmantno visoke prosječne postotke studenata uključenih u nepoštene radnje: 64% (IC0), 76% (IC1), 33% (IP0) i 77% (IP1). Sakupljeni su i procijenjeni podaci za pet socioekonomskih indeksa: BDP (bruto domaći proizvod po stanovniku), HDI (indeks ljudskog razvoja), GII (globalni inovacijski indeks), CPI (indeks percepcije korupcije) i EI (edukacijski indeks). Uteženom korelacijom i regresijom utvrđeno je da su IC0, IC1, IP0 i IP1 različiti indeksi, da IP0 i IP1 slabo koreliraju s vremenom i socioekonomskim varijablama zbog nedovoljno podataka o studentskom plagiranju, a da IC0 i IC1 visoko koreliraju s vremenom, GDP, HDI i EI. IC0 i IC1 skromno padaju zadnjih nekoliko godina, a IP0 i IP1 ne pokazuju nikakav pad. Ovisnost IC0 i IC1 o GDP, HDI i EI predočuju dvije sigmoidne krivulje, s manjim skokom oko 1980. i s većim oko 2010. godine. Društvena uvjetovanost studentskog nepoštenja i njegova porasta znači kulturu koju treba mijenjati, od kulture profita, konkurencije i uspjeha u kulturu znanja i odgovornosti, s istaknutim socijalnim i moralnim komponentama sociekonomskog razvoja. |
Abstract (english) | Students’ honesty is a key element in the context of academic honesty, when taking into consideration that the share of academically educated persons is in permanent increase. Students are the future moving power of the society; they are the part of the population that will significantly influence the society on the whole and its socio-economic development, including the younger generations. The paper analyses eight groups of data on the constant growth of students’ dishonesty in the world, and particularly in the USA, the United Kingdom and Sweden. Over the last two decades, a significant increase has been recorded. The situation in Croatia has been compared with these trends on the basis of the data gained by studying various sources from literature and the internet, as well as several estimates. As a result, the following students’ dishonesty indices have been defined: average (IC0) and maximal (IC1) cheating at exams, and average (IP0) and maximal (IP1) plagiarism. The indices mainly follow global trends, whilst over the last two decades, the average percentage of students engaging in dishonest activities has been alarmingly high: 64 % (IC0); 76 % (IC1); 33 % (IP0) and 77 % (IP1). Data according to five socio-economic indices have been collected and estimated: GDP (gross domestic product per capita), HDI (human development index), GII (global innovation index), CPI (corruption perception index), and EI (education index). By the means of weighing correlation and regression, it has been determined that IC0, IC1, IP0 and IP1 are different indices; that IP0 and IP1 do not correlate well with time and the socio-economic variables due to an insufficient quantity of data on students’ plagiarism; that IC0 and IC1 correlate well with time, GDP, HDI and EI. Furthermore, IC0 and IC1 have modestly decreased over the last several years; and IP0 and IP1 have demonstrated no decrease at all. The dependence of IC0 and IC1 on GDP, HDI and EI has been presented by two sigmoid curves, with a minor increase around 1980, and a major around 2010. Since students’ dishonesty and its growth have been socially determined, the culture itself ought to be changed – from the culture of profit, competition and success to the culture of knowledge and responsibility, with pronounced social and moral components of the socio-economic development. |